STED Workshop: Enhancing Skills and Economic Opportunities for Women and Youths in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Inspira Advisory and Consulting Limited has conducted a Skills Supply Side Assessment study for the project titled “Leaving No One Behind: Improving Skills and Economic Opportunities for Women and Youths in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh,” commissioned by the International Labour Organization (ILO). As a part of the study findings validation, the Skills for Trade and Economic Diversification (STED) workshop was carried out in collaboration with DM Watch, BRAC, and the Academy of Information Technology (AIT). STED is a globally recognized sector-based skills anticipation approach developed by ILO.
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The 2-day workshop, held on October 31st and November 1st, 2023, in Cox’s Bazar, focused on two specific sectors: Construction and Tourism and Hospitality. During the workshop, Inspira presented the findings of the skills supply side for these sectors of Chattogram, Chattogram Hill Tracts, and Cox’s Bazar and facilitated group discussions, actively engaging stakeholders such as the Department of Youth Development (DYD), Bangladesh Technical Education Board (BTEB), Chamber of Commerce and Industries Cox’s Bazar, industry enterprises, industry associations, and TVET institutions. The collaborative consultation allowed for the validation of findings and the formulation of recommendations.
The insights gained from the workshop not only refined the study findings but also contributed to shaping future programs for ILO, particularly in the broader Chattogram region. Furthermore, the recommendations derived from this collaborative effort aimed at addressing systemic challenges in national-level skill development for youth.
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Representatives from the ILO Geneva office played a crucial role by enhancing the capacity of the Inspira team and other facilitators to conduct the workshop effectively. Inspira hopes to carry forward the learnings and replicate effectively in future skill assessment studies.

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