Exploring Cox’s Bazar, In Terms of Employment OpportunitiesEmploymentEntrepreneurResearch and AnalysisStartup
Flowing Towards Progress: The Top 5 Investible Water & Sanitation Service Enterprises in BangladeshResearch and AnalysisStartupStrategy and ConsultingWater & Sanitation
Enhancing Trade Efficiency at Bhomra Land Port through Digitization: A Baseline StudyResearch and Analysis
Follow-up and Linkage Building services provided to the host community of Cox’s BazarResearch and Analysis
Strengthening Child Protection in Cox’s Bazar During COVID-19 : An End line Evaluation of SCI’s Humanitarian AssistanceResearch and Analysis
Addressing the Socio-economic Challenges of Cox’s Bazar: An Integrated Response to the COVID-19 CrisisResearch and AnalysisStrategy and Consulting
SARDI Cybersecurity Awareness Campaign for MSMEs in BangladeshcorporateEmploymentResearch and AnalysisSMEStartupStrategy and Consulting
Baseline study of “Stop the Stigma: Empowering Dreams of Menstruating Girls In Bangladesh”EntrepreneurResearch and AnalysisWater & Sanitation
Assessing Skill Gaps and Exploring Employment Opportunities in Bangladesh’s Agro-processing Industry: A Sectoral AssessmentEmploymentEntrepreneurResearch and AnalysisStrategy and Consulting
Assessing Skill Gaps and Exploring Employment Opportunities in Bangladesh’s ICT Sector: A Sectoral AssessmentEmploymentEntrepreneurResearch and AnalysisStartup