Tasaffy Madani Hossain

Gender Expert


Tasaffy has been involved in the development sector for over 16 years specialising in feminist strategy design, market development, and Knowledge Management. She has extensive experience in project management, including sub-sector assessments, designing strategies and implementation of interventions focusing on M4P, gender and social inclusion. Gender empowerment with a feminist lens is a core focus of hers, working directly in promoting awareness about gender equality, transformative approach and inclusion of women and diverse identities in different sectors within Bangladesh. Since 2010, she has actively been involved in Bangladesh’s feminist movement, at a national level focusing on advocacy and campaigning regarding awareness around issues of gender and creating spaces to hold dialogues around gender equality, gender-based violence social justice, power dynamics, diversity, sexuality and pleasure. She has a long term experience in Knowledge Management and Communication, trained in DCED and FPAR Approaches. She aims to integrate a feminist perspective into leadership building, social equity, and Bangladesh’s development agenda through facilitating spaces for discourse, self-reflection, and imagination.

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