Sultan Mahmud

Data Analyst


Sultan Mahmud is an aspiring and energetic person seasoned in data analysis, geospatial analysis & multidisciplinary research. As a forestry graduate, he is profoundly astute in the natural resource science domain. He vehemently advocates number crunching and data driven decision making irrespective of sectors. Adept in analyzing GIS data and producing map visuals using software like ArcGIS and QGIS as well as in performing remote sensing analyses on SNAP, GEE, and ENVI. For regular data, he prefers online survey toolkits i.e. ODK, KoBoToolbox, SurveyCTO. Subsequently, he resorts to RStudio (CRAN and base packages), MS Excel, SPSS for data cleaning, wrangling, analysis, and visualization. He currently is the incumbent data analyst at Inspira Advisory and Consulting Ltd. Prior to joining Inspira ACL, he worked with UNDP for their nationwide project “Livelihood Improvement of Urban Poor Communities Project (LIUPCP)”. Up to this date, he successfully handed over a great deal of research and consultation projects to German Red Cross, UN Women, IOM, and BRAC. He, at personal level, is fond of work environments that nurture compassion and conservation of living beings regardless of their respective forms. Therefore, his mission statement is to transform the world holistically into a harmonious place to thrive.

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