Hafsa Binth Yeahyea

Portfolio Manager


Hafsa has been working in the development sector from the very beginning of her career. She also has footprints on Finance and Investment field, Market Assessment along with designing Business plans. She started her career with Emerging Credit Rating Limited; was entrusted with the responsibility of designing the content of the industrial working paper, report writing, conducting FGDs and KIIs, data analysis, has competency on SPSS, STATA, R, KoBoToolbox, SurveyMonkey, Magpi and designing data collection plan, and tools. She has also worked for Asian Center for Development on the project “Suitable Market-Based Environmental Instrumental approach to control waste, water, and air pollution”. In this project, she jointly worked with Environmental key experts from South Asian countries to review the studies on market-based instruments, stocktaking of laws and regulations of South Asian countries, identify case studies on waste, water, and air pollution and suggest the suitable market based environmental instruments based on the practical evidence around the world. Worked on “National Study on Waste and Sanitation Worker’s Working Condition, Occupational Health and Safety, Wages, Livelihood & Exclusion” for International Labor Organization and Practical Action to report on the current OHS practices of waste and sanitation workers from the 8 districts of Bangladesh. Reviewed business plan for Center of Excellence along with improving training curriculum (TVQF) for Bangladesh Apparel Industry (CEBAI) with Insight Institute of Learning. She also has worked for Hungrynaki (e-commerce based food delivery platform) and Ayman Group as a Financial and Investment consultant. Currently, she is working for Inspira and successfully carried out the mapping of women led business and value chain analysis, of the top three sectors for ‘Women Economic Empowerment through Strengthening Market System” (a SIDA Initiative) project. She worked on “The Scoping Study on Private Sector Engagement in Humanitarian Response in Bangladesh” for Start Fund Bangladesh (a UK aid initiative). Also, she worked on “Rapid scoping and assessment of possible development interventions in support of economic development of the Cox’s Bazar District” (a DFID initiative) on “Study to identify Impact of COVID-19 and Amphan Over Rights of Women and Girls and their Livelihood in Climate Vulnerable Location”s (MJF). She is currently involved in conducting the study “Market Analysis And Industry Shaping For Edible Oils In Bangladesh” which is a co-partner initiative of MoInd and GAIN and “Community Based Approach to Address Urban Air Pollution” (a WVB initiative) targets to involve the youth in developing innovative ideas to combat air pollution.

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