Field Visit for the CARE JANO Endline Evaluation Project

Inspira adopted an extensive and intricate approach to the Endline Evaluation for the CARE Joint Action for Nutrition Outcome (JANO) Project. Along with traditional fieldwork methods like surveys and questionnaires, we employed a data collection strategy that incorporated anthropometric indicators and anemia measurements.  This included measuring the height, weight, and body mass index (BMI) of participants.  Additionally, anemia diagnosis was facilitated through the HemoCue Machine to measure blood hemoglobin, providing a more comprehensive picture of nutritional health. Dietary indicators were also collected, further enriching the data set. Focus group discussions (FGDs) and in-depth interviews (IDIs) complemented the quantitative data by offering qualitative insights.  By travelling to Rangpur and Nilphamari to collect this data directly, we ensured a more nuanced understanding of the JANO project’s impact.


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