Mohammed Majid



With academic specialization in Finance, Majid has experience of working in the capital markets of Bangladesh. He has received training from Bangladesh Securities and Exchanges Commission and Dhaka Stock Exchange and he was employed in the leading brokerage firm of the country before joining Inspira ACL. He has had the opportunity to study fundamental and technical analysis of stocks while managing investment portfolios. He also conducted a study on Islamic banking and their irregularities during his academic years.

Majid is a Chattogram native with proficiency in the local dialect and he has had his exposure to rohingya communities as he worked as an interpreter to medical professionals and epidemiologists of Medglobal at a temporary clinic in Hakimpara, Balukhali, Cox’s Bazar where he had worked on primary healthcare, SRHR, diphtheria prevention, etc.

Ever since joining Inspira ACL he has worked on quantitative analysis and summarisation of Bhomra Land Port Digitalization project in association with Swisscontact and has been working on fundraising and business development strategies for Shurjer Hashi Network in a project that is facilitated by USAID.

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